The control scheme here is quite different depending upon whether you play the PC or Diablo IV Gold mobile, but its basic gameplay is the identical. You'll grab a quest in the city, then venture into the wilderness, tapping or clicking incessantly to fight enemies, occasionally activating special abilities or drinking some healing potion. The combat isn't that deep, but it's satisfying and requires a bit of strategic planning, particularly when you find yourself surrounded by the apocalyptic hordes and you must manage ability cooldowns and a limited amount of potion.

Diablo Immortal's primary gameplay is almost identical as what you'd find in the three previous Diablo games. Because Diablo is a mobile game in the first place, actions are a bit less precise, character building seems somewhat less detailed and there's a general sense that the game offers a lot of leeway to compensate for the touch controls. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but the difficulty does increase over time.

As you would expect from Diablo the game will also reward you with loot along the way -- lots of it. Just about every enemy that you take on will drop some kind of magical piece of armor or weapon You'll be constantly changing out equipment to improve your skills when you get stronger.

Whatever you don't really need is salvageable it, which is another of Diablo Immortal's top features. Instead of selling off gear that's not needed or scrapping it, you can use it for parts and put those parts to help you build the equipment you'd like to keep. This gives you a consistent feeling of progress, and even lets you plan the long-term character strategy for certain significant tools.

There's nothing to complain about the instant-to-moment action in Diablo Immortal. Fighting the demonic hordes can be good; there's lots of cheap Diablo 4 Gold choice in the character classes, abilities, and possible builds. There's a lot of interesting loot available. The structure of there are some issues with the game.